How Donations are Sourced
Donations are received from Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs, Zones, Districts other Lions Groups, Individual members of the public – they are Tax Deductible for members of the public. Funds are also generated from Interest earned on Investments. And recently we have been receiving more Corporate Donations. Raising the profile of the Foundation to the general public by way of Media Releases, our web page and Facebook.
All donations to the Australian Lions Foundation stays in Australia
Donations to ALF
Donations are acknowledged and through the ALF Award Program, Clubs, Zones, Districts and other Lions Groups can recognise individuals or groups from within the community and the Lions Family. – can be made at any time and “banked” to use for an award at a later date, provided you stipulate at the time of donation. You do not have to name the recipient of the AWARD at the time of donation.
Except if the donation is to a specific Appeal – Bushfires/Drought/Other Major Event.
There is no restriction on the donor as to who they can recognise. Many Clubs, Zones, Districts and other Lions Groups recognise a member or members for such things as, years of service or because the member has completed a project of some consequence or has been a very active member of the club or of our organisation or community.