
Please note: Only MD201 Districts, Lions and Leo Clubs can apply for Australian Lions Foundation Limited (ALF) Grants. Applications from Leo Clubs must be processed through, and supported by their parent Lions Club. All Club Branches must apply through their parent Lions Club.  All Lions Clubs must be members of the Australian Lions Foundation Ltd to be eligible to receive Grants funding.

General Grants

GENERAL GRANTS may be provided only to MD201 Lions, Lioness, Leo Clubs and Lions Districts, to assist with community welfare projects.
The initial contact for General Grants is General Grants Chairman PDG Ken Hallam

Link for forms and applications

Disaster Recovery and Emergency Grants

Over the past years we have seen a significant increase in Disaster funding requests as our nation has been impacted in many ways through fire, flood, drought, cyclones etc. Impact has been seen by individuals through to whole communities and the Australian Lions Foundation has provided support funding to assist ways to match the needs.

The Foundation has made a number of changes to the grants criteria and procedure to streamline applications to match the needs being sought by Districts.

Assistance can be sought by Districts accessing Three Grants available, and the following information will provide a brief background on each grant.

Prior to making any applications, Clubs or District should refer to the Grant Application Procedures to ensure all details are completed to enable the Directors to consider each application. All grants are considered on an individual basis by the Directors.



Disaster Recovery Grants

The Directors recognise that after the immediate Disaster the need for food, clothing and blankets, medical supplies, temporary shelter etc. have been met, there will be a need for financial assistance for recovery / restoration / rehabilitation efforts. Such Grants may be made not-withstanding  that a Disaster Assistance or Emergency Grant has already been made. No matching funding shall be required for a Disaster Recovery Grant.

Emergency Grants

Emergency Grants are provided to Districts on request from District Governors or through individual Clubs. The request may be for local support for one-off needs (such as family house fires) through to isolated District impacts. These are smaller available grants separate to major disaster type incidents.

Emergency Grants are made available on a family basis to those impacted and is to support for immediate needs such as clothing, food, essential needs. It may also assist with purchase of small white goods where residents must relocate. A typical situation being a local single house fire.

Compassionate Grants

COMPASSIONATE GRANTS are provided to assist Persons or Families in necessitous circumstances. This may be by the provision of medical aids, equipment or cash to provide relief from hardship.

A Compassionate Grant is a Grant of funds to a person or families who are suffering financial hardship through illness or other necessitous circumstances judged worthy by the Directors. Applications from a Lions, Leo or Lioness Club, Zone, District or Lions Multiple District 201, will be reviewed by the Directors and a decision advised.

In the first instance the applicant should contact the “Chairperson of the Australian Lions Foundation Ltd.” explaining details of the circumstances.

The initial contact for the Compassionate Grants is the Foundation Chairperson:

Special Purpose Grants

SPECIAL PURPOSE GRANTS are to provide help and assistance in all forms for community welfare on a National, State or District basis.  Such Grants may have conditions imposed, as regards use of the funds and ultimate accountability, as are deemed necessary.

 No matching funding shall be required for a Special Purpose Grant.

The initial contact for the Special Purpose Grant is the Foundation Chairperson: