To All Lions, Leos and Lioness Clubs in MD201, Since our earlier “Update” was sent out providing a summary on what was happening, the response from Clubs, individuals, and businesses has been amazing. As of last week, the Foundation has received over $1.153m in donations for the bushfire disaster and we have already funded grants totalling $625,000. Where donations have been received from, and where these grants have been provided, to is shown below.

table of grant amounts and where they came from

Since the fire season commenced, grants have been provided to areas affected, for food, clothing, personal items, water tanks, gas, fresh drinking water, household items and whitegoods.

As well support for children getting ready to go back to school has been welcomed.

As we are all aware, the fires are continuing, and despite some weather change in areas and rain, they are still burning. The season is far from over and provisions are not just for now, but will be needed for the road to recovery well into the future. This is where Lions will play a very important part.

Donations have not just been received from Australia but from individuals, groups and Lions from overseas. We have received a significant contribution from the UK Lions Foundation MD105 which is wonderful. Our friends in New Zealand and New Caledonia are also with us on this journey. This coming week, will see further grants being requested from areas that have disbursed their initial grant funds and have now identified other areas of need. Many are concentrating on the “recovery” aspect which will take a longer time to achieve but will have a significant impact within those communities being supported.

The Foundation will consider all grants sought and consider them immediately. Our sincere thanks must go to the various Districts and areas as to how you are managing the support for fire affected communities. It is being done with a great amount of consideration, passion and effort and those Lions on the ground working to help are doing an amazing job.

The Foundation is proud to help you and is there for the “long haul”. It is Your Foundation!