National Disaster Appeal

In November, the Foundation established an ongoing “National Disaster Appeal” to assist all Districts in times of need. Although at the time, we did not have any current disasters to deal with, we know as a Country we will experience some, particularly as we come into the summer period.
Forecasters are advising this to be a very hot period coming up and bushfires are likely and as well as cyclones are with us in the northern States. To have one Appeal Fund rather than creating individual funds at the time of need will allow immediate support to be available when requested. This fund can build up over time as we seek support from Clubs and Districts at various times.
When a disaster is declared, the Foundation will communicate with Clubs and Districts as to what help is being provided and hopefully you will continue your support. Being prepared to be able to react quickly is the focus in establishing this on-going fund.
We all have seen the devastating flooding that has happened in far north Queensland following cyclone Jasper. Many communities have been cut off and flood waters have reached extremely high levels. Many rescues are being undertaken by the SES and Defence Force personnel. Lions support has commenced with assisting with cooked food for cut off areas but more assistance will be needed as waters recede and actual needs are determined. Federal, State and Local Government assistance will commence and Lions will look to support those in need.
If Clubs wish to donate you can either send your cheque directly to the Treasurer of the Foundation or make a deposit direct to the National Appeal Fund, ensuring to put your Club Number as reference so that we are able to maintain records.
Cheques payable to the Australian Lions Foundation can be sent to: Treasurer Australian Lions Foundation PO Box 278 Melville, WA 6956
Donations can also be made by EFT to the following bank account, with “National Disatster Appeal” as the reference:
Account Name: National Appeal Fund
BSB: 036-048
Account#: 440704
Reference: National Disaster Appeal
Donations over $2 are tax deductible and every dollar counts.
In times of crisis Lions volunteers roll up their sleeves and take action.
When disaster strikes, Lions focus on doing what we can to get help to those in need as quickly as possible…
In times of crisis Lions volunteers roll up their sleeves and take action.
When disaster strikes, Lions focus on doing what we can to get help to those in need as quickly as possible…