The Australian Lions Foundation has launched an Appeal to assist with the recovery from this devastating event.

To all Lions & Leos Clubs,

With the agreement of Council Chairperson Delwyn Seebeck, the Australian Lions Foundation is launching an appeal, to support those residents in the areas of Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales, who are currently being impacted by devastating rain and flood waters.

If clubs wish to donate, you can either send your cheque directly to the Treasurer of the Australian Lions Foundation or make a deposit direct to the National Appeal Fund Account, as detailed below.

If you are making a direct deposit, please ensure you put your club number as a reference so that we are able to maintain records.

Clubs please note that donations to the Disaster Appeal are not eligible for awards credits.

Account Name: National Appeal Fund
BSB: 036-048 Account No: 440704

Cheques payable to the Australian Lions Foundation
Can be sent to:
Treasurer Australian Lions Foundation
PO Box 278 Melville, WA 6956

The public may also wish to donate direct to the Foundation by using our “GiveNow link”. All public donations received over $2 are tax deductible. Please consider supporting this appeal to help those in need.